This weekend it’s exactly one year since I’ve finished my Magic Mirror project. After posting it to my blog, this little fun experiment turned out to be a huge inspiration to many of my blog’s readers. The GitHub repository got starred 275 times, the project page got over half a million page views, but most incredible: I received lots and lots of links to photo’s and blogposts of makers who built their own Magic Mirror.
Because of this anniversary, I felt I should honor the makers who dedicated their time to building their own Magic Mirror. So, I hereby proudly present you: the Magic Mirrors from around the World!
Jacek Romanowski, Germany.

Tomasz Misiukiewicz (@tomasz_mi), Poland.

Simon Stuohy (@SimonStuohy), Oxford, UK.

Marcus Baldwin (@RowBaldWin), Los Angeles, USA.

Aksel Gustafson, Sweden.


Kristoffer Nolfalk, Sweden:

Johnathan Sandoval, Houston Texas, USA:

Philipp Baur, Germany:

Torben Tigges, Hamburg, Germany:

Nils Hühnerfürst, Germany:

Ross Cooper:

Dennis Lange, Germany:

Pero Kivić, Vienna:

Brian Brown, Wisconsin:

Fabian Ihle:

Eitan Shay:

If you’ve built a Magic Mirror based on my blog, make sure to send me some pictures so I can add your project, blog link and background story:
Read more about the Magic Mirror project here.