Every year during Easter, my family in law organise a serious egg decoration competition. Throwing around some paint won’t do it for you. And since I didn’t win last year, it was time to step up my game …
To add some special effects to this years creation, I decided to add some ATTiny Magic to my piece of easter art.
The ATTiny85 is small enough to be incorporated in my work of art, and doesn’t require any additional electronics, besides some LEDs and a 3v battery to fulfill it’s magic.
After an hour of cutting wires, soldering and applying some heat shrink, some coding was all I needed to do to finish up my secret ingredient.
Unfortunately I forgot to take some beautiful silver cardboard with me, so I needed to freestyle improvise with some tin foil. As you can see, my soldering looks much better than my cardboard craftsmanship.
With a bit of green, black and white paint I tried to create a sweet looking alien … embarrassingly enough, this didn’t improve my creation much. The light effects really were my only secret weapon!
But as expected, this wasn’t enough to become this year’s winner. The competition was way too tough! My brother in law took the first place with his egg cradle. Congratulations, Niek!
If you have suggestions for next’s years competition, let me know in the comments down below. For now: Happy easter!