A little while ago I wrote a small blog post blog post about the TinyLoadr Shield. This awesome shield created by Jeff Murchison was my one stop solution for programming my ATTiny’s and ATMega’s. Until last week …
Apparently a lot of you guys decided to order this shield after I wrote about it on my blog. This resulted in a special delivery by the Canadian Santa:

Jeff sent me the new TinyLoadr: The TinyLoadr AVR programmer. The big difference is the fact that this one doesn’t need a Arduino to piggyback on. It is a full featured standalone USB programmer, which is extremely easy to use. Just one jumper is enough to select the microcontroller you want to program. Throw in the microcontroller in the ZIF socket or use a ICSP ribbon cable on the ICSP header, and you’re ready to go.

The board contains a blink led for easy testing. And 3mm screw holes for mounting it onto your kitchen wall or ceiling.

If you’re into Arduino programming and electronics, and don’t yet own a USB programmer. Make sure to give this one a try. I promise you’ll fall in love instantly. It is available for my favorite electronics shop: tindy.com. Don’t forget to say hi to Jeff when you order one!

Disclaimer: I’m this is not a sponsored post. I sincerely love this piece of electronics.