So, in the last batch of Electrocards I assembled, one of the displays had a very poor brightness. A fun project to see if I would be able to debug this issues.
If you are a regular visitor of my blog, you might have noticed a slightly longer period of inactivity between my regular posts. In the past weeks I’ve exchanged my soldering iron for a nice juice on a sunny and warm beach. Regular visitors might also know that the mail man usually leaves me a nice package to come home to after my holiday. This time was no exception.
Now that the hardware part of my Electrocard is done, it’s time to start working on the software side of my electronic business card.
After my beautiful shiny new PCB business cards arrived, the fun could begin. Time to start soldering! And since a blog post about soldering isn’t the most exciting, I decided to make a video showing the full process.
Ever since I have my own company I wanted to have a PCB business card. Of course I wouldn’t be the first, but it would definitely give a nice touch to my company’s identity. And since I wanted to give KiCad a good try anyway, why not go for it?