After the previous breakthrough which allows me to program the ATTiny10 and a small delay caused by a wonderful sunny Ibiza holiday, it’s time to get the WS2812 2020 leds working on this wonderful small microcontroller.
Two weeks ago I posted about my experiment with the ATTiny10. A 12Mhz 8-bit micro controller small enough to be confused with an obese ant. Unfortunately I didn’t succeed in programming this tiny guy, so this week I continue my small scale flashing quest.
If you are a regular visitor of my blog, you might know that (with a few exceptions) I’ve been posting a new blog posts every two weeks. Unfortunately I skipped this regular update last week, because I’ve been a little bit sick. Nothing major, but I didn’t want to contaminate my boxes of SMD components with germs. So after a few days of sleep it’s time to get back to business and start with something small. Literally.