After I programmed the built in Arduino, the only thing left to do, is the development of the associated iPhone Application. This week I’ll be writing the app to control the sounds.
Last weeks instalment of the on board computer was the core of all electronics on the Power Suit. But still, there are some important parts missing. This week we’ll finish all the electronics by adding the sound amplifier, the bluetooth audio receiver and the nunchuck controller.
Installing last weeks LEDs was fun! But as mentioned earlier, they won’t work without any computer control. The same goes for the controllable wings. So the next thing on the to do list, is building the on board computer.
While working on one of my Arduino projects, I was in the need for a simple wrapper for communication with the Adafruit Bluefruit LE nRF8001 Breakout.Since I was unable to find one (especially one that was Swift-ready) I wrote a Swift-wrapper myself. It is based on a Bluefruit LE Connect.It has all the basic needs for basic two way communication and is easy to implement.Check out nRF8001-Swift on GitHub!