If you are a maker, you probably know the feeling: use everything as an excuse to invent something new. And while most people think I should focus on reading parenting books, I think my unborn child is the perfect reason to spend my time behind my 3D-printer!
Because of limited storage space, I need to stow away our baby stroller base in the meter cupboard. If you are a parent, you probably know baby strollers costs as much as 40 raspberry pi’s or a full fledged 3d printing setup. Reason enough to be super careful with this forced purchase.
So, just using some brackets won’t do it for me. I need some special designed baby stroller mounts!

Using Fusion 360 I designed the mounts that would fit on the metal bars. Both the measurements of the baby stroller bar and the brackets are taken into consideration while drawing out this beautiful piece of industrial design.

Watching my Lulzbot Mini print the design remains to be mesmerizing. If you are ever looking for some relaxing therapy, buy a 3D printer. (I’m sure the ABS fumes will help as well …)
The end result looks pretty sweet! I choose orange ABS. Showy sturdy!

The mounts snap on the metal brackets with an satisfying click. Finally! I got my measurements right in one go!

But … just to make sure, I printed two washers the keep everything in place. A simple screw keeps the two together and the bracket locked in place.

The end result? An overpriced baby stroller safely stowed away.

Maybe I should sell this product to the stroller’s manufacturer? I prefer the open source mindset. If you got a Joolz baby stroller and a 3d-printer. Let me know so I can send you the STL file.

12 more weeks to go before we can start using these wheels. Till then, time to read parenting books … or more time to make new inventions.
Edit 2015/8/11: the files are now available on Thingiverse.